Monday, February 22, 2016


Most people who know me well will vouch for the fact that I have had quite a few surgeries in my life … fortunately all of the orthopedic variety (as opposed to illness): new knees, two back surgeries, wrists, thumbs, feet, etc – about 15 in all. In fact, if I see a new doctor and there is a place on the form to list prior surgeries, I ask for a second sheet of paper.  I have adopted the saying from Dennis Prager (radio host/author/friend) who said “God didn’t want me to have a perfect life, so he gave me … (fill in the blank).”  In my case it is lousy joints. 

I am not interested in letting go of my passions any time soon – “aggressive” travel meaning driving in foreign countries and moving quickly from place to place, gardening, exercise and generally leading a pretty active life.  Therefore, if I have a degenerating/painful something or other and the doc convinces me it is repairable with not a great deal of risk, I am going for it.  I know I recover well and am committed to whatever therapy is advised. 

So it is with that preamble that I present my current mode of transportation, which duration is roughly six weeks ... but mine has the cool fluffy pad for extra knee comfort on the seat.  Below is the Knee Rover. Don't you just love the basket addition for all of the necessities?? Instead of renting I purchased mine on Amazon; afterward I will donate it to somewhere that accepts used medical devices.


One of our dogs Maisie in the foreground providing comfort
Why do I think this deserves writing about?  Merely in order to convey what the experience is like for those who have somehow gotten through life unscathed in this way.  I have put off this particular foot surgery for years, having taken the doc's advice:  If you are not in chronic pain, then don't do it. Alas the time has come to address this issue, so I carved out a period where I knew I could recover in in advance of this April's big trip to Africa. 

Hovering over the poor checker

Silver lining(s):  this is my left foot and only the right is needed for driving my car!  So that's not a problem.  Our home is one story so that's not an issue. Go to the market? Pity the poor checkers at Gelson's, where I had no choice but to involve the hubby, shown above.  He's tried out his lines of "I've been shopping here for 45 years" and "don't go over $50" on nearly every one of them. Best that they don't pay him any attention, but they feel compelled to listen to the customer.  Thank goodness for whoever came up with for home delivery!  

First delivery via Instacart ... amazing system where my order is placed online and the shopper texts me if a product is unavailable so I may approve a substitute.  My shopper Nicole even sent photos via text of what she was purchasing.  So genius ... 

Utilizing every square inch of the basket to carry stuff!

It was unclear who was more fascinated by
the rover -- my great niece Doron or my
sister's dog!


  1. i've seen lots of people around town on these - did someone build a ramp to go up and down the front steps? hope you're healing well and keep that foot elevated when you'r not driving (the car or this contraption)!

  2. I can go around the side of my house into the kitchen, all flat area. Just had my post-op visit; using crutches now too!
